The most valuable gift you can give a child is the opportunity to develop independence, self-worth, leadership, responsibility, and most of all, life-long faith in Jesus Christ. At Camp Omega, children develop a stronger sense of self, others, and God; they learn how to navigate the world successfully; they learn resiliency; and they learn the value of healthy, Christ-centered relationships.
Christ-Centered Community
Exploring God’s Word together, the camp community learns to live out Jesus’ call for love and acceptance.
Comfortable Living Areas
Campers will either stay in Cabins or the Retreat Center on main camp or in an outpost village. Wherever the housing, all campers will have daily access to showers and restrooms.
Fun-Filled Camp Activities
Get outside and enjoy the fresh air experiencing all of our activities in a way that points back to how much God loves us. These experiences include Bible Study, Canoeing, Archery, Arts & Crafts, Swimming, Hatchet-throwing, Mudpit, Rockwall (ages 12+) and so much more!
Caring Christian Counselors
Living their Christian faith as role models and mentors, our trained counselors help each camper experience a fun and safe environment while learning about Jesus’ love and compassion.
Accredited by the American Camping Association
This nationally-recognized accreditation process focuses on program quality, health and safety issues. As a part of this process, Camp Omega submits to an independent appraisal by regional camp experts.